Recap - Bombshell number one
Remember when it was assumed that any vaccine injected into the deltoid muscle remained local to the injection site, was transported to the localised lymph nodes (typically armpit and neck region) and thereby resulted in an immune response developing? Remember when it was assumed by the manufacturers but not proven that unaspirated, “Safe and Effective” i.e. non-toxic Covid gene therapy doses injected into the deltoid acted in the same way?
Remember when Dr. Byram Bridle, Vaccinologist from University of Guelph, Canada, gave a primer on vaccination in the context of SARS-CoV-2 and laid out key, lay accessible knowledge and concerns in the field?
Remember when the European Medicines Agency (amongst other ICMRA regulators) admitted that it knew in March 2021 that the LNPs crossed the blood brain barrier1?
Low levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney [in rats]. This included heart, lung, testis, and also brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP platform crossed the blood/brain barrier, although to very low levels (2–4% of the plasma level).
Remember when Dr. Bridle got his hands on Pfizer BioNTech’s Japanese Biodistribution2 study of the Pfizer candidate that showed Pfizer’s Lipid NanoParticle (LNP) was detected literally everywhere in the body over the measured 48-hour post-injection period?
Between then and now, what has been established is that these original and unproven assumptions about Covid gene therapy LNPs (in Covid gene therapies and other in vivo use) were always false. In fact, their own publications show that ICMRA regulators and manufacturers knew, by or before March 2021 that LNPs crossed the blood brain barrier and biodistributed around the whole body including the brain, ovaries and testes, based on manufacturer animal tests of Covid gene therapies.
This was a bombshell in its own right, which confirmed the potential capability of Covid gene therapies to have unrestricted effects throughout the entire body, of which autoimmune responses were a major risk, based on pure logical reasoning alone. Such effects are now established and admitted: vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis are just two such examples of conditions caused via this mechanism.
#Placentagate - Bombshell number 2
So, here we are today in the smoking crater left behind by bombshell one, pondering just exactly WTAF people have done to themselves and why. Look around and you see vaccine injury abound, still largely ignored and suppressed by the corporatocracy, while committed bands of under-resourced experts across the world continue to plug away at the science, analysis and communication that constantly reveals the scale of this medical nightmare.
Enter, stage right, Jikkyleaks, the most scientifically industrious white mouse known to mankind. Since the early days, Jikky has been mousing away through mountains of Covid cheese to tell us all what we need to know. Jikky was of course banned from Twitter because of her propensity for accurately sniffing out the worst smelling cheese. If you follow no one else on Covid science, just follow this intrepid mouse.
On March 19, Jikky tweeted the following thread and in doing so may have just dropped bombshell number 2 right on top of our heads:
The thread is, as always, efficiently written but multi-layered.
Please take a look at the thread to avail yourself of the issue.
In short, Lipid NanoParticles have been seen to and designed to get to and through the placenta, into placental cells fundamental to pregnancy and foetal viability, implantation and development. Certain published claims that this has been done with “no toxicity” appear to be potentially false, with data proving the falsehood having been deliberately hidden or obfuscated within published research data using specific methods of data handling, classification and presentation. Some of this data from various research, including manufacturers, indicates that foetus loss increases - in one study doubling - in correlation with Covid vaccination i.e. there are major signals that LNPs cross the placenta, get into foetuses at all stages of development and can lead to foetal loss at various stages of pregnancy, despite Male et al claiming “no toxicity” and “no evidence of” toxicity. Some of the foetal losses occur so early that they are literally ignored and not counted as foetal losses in some of the research, which goes on to claim “no toxicity” by virtue of effectively having deliberately not looked for toxicity in certain foetuses.
Jikky flags not only this but also the nepotistic links that permeate Pharma’s preferred/go-to network on Covid and Covid gene therapy research in pregnancy. That network includes Viki Male, Immunologist at Imperial College (beneficiary of Gates funding and home to Neil “GASHFOP” Ferguson), who is the daughter of David Kingsley Male, a patent holder in the nanoparticle (LNP) field, suggesting a conflict of and vested interest. Also, Viki Male is co-author on papers with Drew Weissman, a key player in Covid mRNA vaccine tech development.
Viki Male espouses the position that Covid gene therapies are safe and effective for women, pregnant or otherwise, with nothing but positive health benefits, despite Jikky and others (linked thoroughly via Jikky’s tweet thread) flagging that this appears to be untrue and suppressed by a group of self-serving vested interests who effectively peer review each others work.
Take a look, see what you think and hold your breath for this to continue to unfold.
If you have the stomach, go check out public data on birth rates across the globe. VST flagged this a while ago and the data is conforming to worst fears. Just coincidence, no doubt.
Remember when governments and Pharma did all the necessary tests into the effects on human fertility of Covid gene therapies, BEFORE they were deployed in humans across the globe? No? That’s because they never did any human fertility testing. Weird, huh? Fertility is only the future of the human race. Nevermind, it’ll be fine, whatever “it” actually is.
Support Jikkyleaks. Follow, read, share. Twitter is actively suppressing #Placentagate and more in Jikky’s output.
Update: Look at this whole short thread for info on Viki and David Kinglsey Male’s shared interests:
Seeing who Viki Male's father is explains everything re her position. Shame on them both.
I’m so glad you’re covering this Ignasz, thank you!