Seeing who Viki Male's father is explains everything re her position. Shame on them both.

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I’m so glad you’re covering this Ignasz, thank you!

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By the way... not a ‘she’

I wouldn’t mention it normally, but considering his specialty is sniffing out toxicities... 😉

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It was my deliberate choice of pronoun designed to purposefully counter my own inherent assumptive bias, in light of Jikky's specified mouse/mouseself pronouns.

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Love the title of this piece.

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This is great work, well done!

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Thanks. Your review and praise is appreciated as a way to confirm VST's sufficient understanding of Jikky's techincal work, which needs to be made accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

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You're referenced in the next article coming out tomorrow as well.

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You can add the TGA FOIA revelation regarding the bio distribution tests that the Australian authorities did as well.



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Thought you may like all 4 PARs from the EMA:

These are the ONLY documents that many regulators worldwide (including the MHRA and EMA and, I think, the FDA and TGA) will supply willingly under fOI when asked how they concluded that the vaccines were “safe and effective”:





Spot the missing information and the idiocy in the trials - especially think hard about how the trials were conducted and ask yourself "how did the companies know the jabs worked against covid when not one person in the trial was exposed to any virus stock?”

And how does jabbing people with the chemical concoction, letting them wander around in public then when they got a sniffle give them a PCR test (we all know how useless they are for diagnosis don't we boys and girls) then say "see, those jabbed got the sniffles and a positive test less than the unjabbed group means it's working!!!"

That is how the trials were generally conducted when you read the documents closely - but do NOT think too much into what was used as a placebo as that just confuses the matter even more: hint, most trials did NOT use saline or glucose that's for sure.

How can anyone with more than half a brain cell or an IQ bigger than their UK shoe size come to a "safe and effective" conclusion I have no idea once they read these documents.

You may also like this on why no biodistribution info is in the PARs:


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Fundamental to this situation is the classification of the products and the resultant regulatory pathway to which they were subjected.

The sad truth is that the truth was always out there, in plain (enough) English, for those who cared to look. It's just that the majority of the population didn't want to look, or listen, to anyone other than the TV and their choice of mainstream, pro-narrative "news"/agit-prop.

The lack of will and interest to discuss anything and contemplate questions with anyone who was not a sanctioned "expert" was staggering, disturbing, heartbreaking and for many, extremely harmful and even fatal.

The coping mechanism for which is to continue to totally ignore proven truths, possible truths, uncomfortable ambiguities and anyone who references any of these things. Thus, the destruction of friendships and relationships continues as well.

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Phenomenal. Thank you 🙏⚘

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