Fascinating analysis!

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Great article

MY main complaint about RFK-jr is that he publicly refuses to seek retribution by the harm done to the world by Big-Pharma.

Of course him running a VP ticket with Trump means he couldn't indict TRUTH, who actually did fast tract the clot-shot and give big-pharma legal immunity


RFK-jr seems to be an Insurance plan created by big-pharma to make damn sure that nobody gets into POTUS that upsets their apple-cart

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Re pharma, VST suspects that it is more likely he'll stay relatively low key on the notion of mass prosecution until much later in the race. He has already made strong statements about criminality etc but seems to have eased off, probably to project a calm, statesmanlike appearance rather than someone on the warpath that could alienate all the complicit medics and periphery scum who took the money and enabled all the dosing and policy. It appears that USA's extent of will to hold the big boys to account is contained to individual legal cases at the present time, unlike the kick off in Australia and the UK, both of which will be of extremely limited value. Australia could develop due to the GMO case. In the UK, there is a guaranteed whitewash that will play out over one or two decades.

The only way to judge RFK is to break down his claims and their meaning, then hold him accountable in actions to them. The same as anyone else. If he isn't smart enough to have developed decent, solid and defensible positions on all the big issues and he gets humiliated, so be it.

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I would like to have heard you expand on RFK-jr recent FUBAR that COVID-19 excludes Chinese & ashkeNAZI from serious harm.

Then only 2-3 days later ZARKO right-hand muscle man of Netanyahu came out and declared that ALL ashkeNAZI 'jews' in Europe ( israel&Ukraine included) must die, 2.0 holocaust ( his exact words_)

What gives with the LIKUD and their explicit attack on ashkeNAZI?

Clearly because RFK-jr was first to mention a word that 99% of the USA public would have never even heard, what is the messaging here?

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This is excellent, VST. While I like RFK on some points, others not so much. He is still a lifelong democrat and these people eat their own in order to ensure their survival at all costs as opposed to RINOs and repubs who are mostly cowardly.

Trying to re-invent the government from the inside out is a waste of time because the end result, even if totally successful, is you still have government. All governments eventually fail as they seek to control their citizens to the point of murdering them for non-compliance with the dictates of the masters. We are very near that point in the US.

With no citizens to control, government serves no purpose. Even with millions of citizens, governments serve no viable purpose in the grand scheme of the evolution of earth and mankind. No politician will make a difference because they all are in conflict with nature.

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Hmmm....so do you have a BETTER solution to our upcoming presidential election? We can poke holes in every candidate's past/life's work. Be nice if you could dissect Obama the way you dissected RFK Jr. Obama's mom's CIA work for example and the fact that he met Bush Sr at a young age....While you are at it, please dissect Clinton as well.

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Obama was a plain as day con. "Yes we can" and "Hope for change"? What do those incomplete sentences even mean? "Yes, we can keep doing the same thing to you and you'll all take it." "Hope for change that we will never allow to happen." All the others you mention are system draft picks following the same managed theatre as the others, one of whom completely cheated to get into office (Bush). This is a given feature of political systems. It isn't about the figurehead, it is about the underlying system and what it will allow. As Trump overtly demonstrated, the figurehead can be contained and curtailed by the system when he doesn't tow the line. Kennedy is no different. The system/uniparty just knows that from now on, effective containment starts before the primaries, and not a few nights before the vote. The Western political system is nothing more than pathetic managed theatre. In the US and UK it has descended so far that it is worse than children's amateur dramatics. The degree of contempt demonstrated by those within it is off the charts, and the populace suck it up.

If you believe that it is somehow distasteful to critique political actors, especially ones you might like, then I'm not sure what you think politics is. Kennedy isn't a saviour, he is a political actor. Whatever you think he is, he won't be that. You literally cannot and will not ever know who and what he is. If you believe you do in a way that aligns with what he tells you, you are simply accepting and reprojecting his marketing back onto his image. His Israel stance is a major indicator of his political nature in that he may have literally crossed a line on racism as judged by others, who are jews. Also, he may be fundamentally wrong in his characterisation of Israeli policy and actions against Palestinians and about how Palestinians in Jenin are supposedly all bomb makers and terrorists etc. If he is prepared to make those characterisations, what does that say about him? The statements can't really be true. What's the difference (in accuracy) between RFK Jr. saying the things that Blumenthal objects to and DeSantis repeating the slogan "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a nation"? RDS' claim is total bullshit and no basis for foreign relations with Russia, who is the largest landmass and nuclear arsenal on the planet, who is currently effectively fighting 40+ nations economically and in kinetic warfare, for a defence budget that is, historically, less than a 15th of all those nations' defence budgets put together. All while building a global strategic network with more countries than are in NATO whose collective GDP and population equals or surpasses it.

The only things that are certain are hard, measurable actions and outcomes, and how they compare to anything that was claimed or said. If you're not prepared to start assessing people once they start making claims, you have given up the ability to even attempt to hold anyone to account.

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I am glad that the author finally shows that RFK, Jr., as opposed to a previous article,


is a distraction and not a hero...

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I think you've misinterpreted previous articles. VST hasn't claimed he was a hero. It flagged major narrative elements of Kennedy's past and present, in the current context. There is a lot there to like, depending upon one's general political bent and take on the post COVID era. In the COVID context, Kennedy has embarked upon a political evolution culminating in this run. He could have remained a litigator and come out of retirement to sue big pharma on a global scale. Maybe he should have? Maybe he will return to that once this race is decided.

VST was raising awareness of Kennedy right at the start in order to get his seemingly anti-establishment, suppressed message looked at, and has started critiquing it. VST alluded to RFK's "icon" value in the very first article it ever wrote about him. That still holds true.

Trump and Kennedy are two people who have exposed the corruption of the wider political system because of how it treats them, irrespective of exactly who and what they are. There is value in that alone for those who can see through the polarising propaganda. Whatever Trump is, he is almost none of what he is accused of being, as proven by the endless and largely failed lawfare that is being escalated out of ever increasing desperation as Biden circles the plug hole of political life and actual life.

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Thank you for your patience and your detailed response.

It was your reply to my comment that suggested that you considered RFK, Jr. a hero, but I understand that I may have interpreted it. It's alright. What matters is that nobody is going to save the people. Limited hangouts (RFK, Jr. seems to be acting on some of those) are omnipresent:


and fake news prevail:


Governments all over the world have been hijacked by the globalists:


Since "Operation Warp Speed," I couldn't care less for Trump (not that I had much respect for him previously, either; your exposure of RFK, Jr. seems to apply to Trump, too).

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Good piece. I agree with the VST conclusion, for the very reasons the article lays out.

RFK Jr may even have evolved his climate doomsaying. I've certainly him interviewed calling the "Green" movement another veneer for WEF tyranny.

It surprises me when otherwise smart people see Trump as a credible anti-establishment / anti-empire option. The same people often try to sell RFK Jr-Trump as the world-beating perfect ticket; which is horseshit and incompatible with intelligent, rational analysis!

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100% worth sharing.

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