You have the correct read - very well written. I am forwarding your substack post today to several people. Thank you.

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Well said. Thank you.

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Sadly, you are correct. The US empire is a lawless criminal cabal of military-industrial grifters masquerading as a nation-state. Their techno-fascist (feudal) partners in crime will take comfort in Assange’s ritual admission of “guilt” for the crime of telling the truth. Anyone who lives in an imperial vassal state knows what awaits them if they undertake similar transgressions.

It will be interesting to see whether the masses within the empire will be able to align their actions with the actual axes of resistance in parts of the world not under imperial control.

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This speaks to a wider issue of the delusion under which citizens of the West toil.

The reality that no one seems to really want to address is that humanity is far less humane, upstanding, moral and knowledgeable than it wants to tell itself it is.

This is apparent in the events of just the last four years and where we are today. The true horror of what this means is largely being ignored because of the scale of the true horror. This in itself makes humanity cowardly. This explains why human history is riddled with self-induced atrocities. Part of this horror is the realisation that humanity is as bad as its most vile leadership because it empowers, enables, tolerates and conforms to them.

Nowhere is this going to be more apparent than the upcoming UK elections, which are the most thinly veiled bad pantomime in my lifetime. We predicted Starmer's inevitable "victory" within a fully corrupt, fully managed Uniparty. The UK population is going along with it like the dullards they are, all the while banging a drum for Reform, without even bothering to think about what Reform is.

Like pigs leading themselves to the abattoir.


Hence why the ruling elite label the population "useless eaters".


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So, the ruthless, self proclaimed "elite" who will rob the last breadcrumbs from an elderly person near death. The ones who hide all their bad deeds behind "redacted" papers and "confidential for 75 years" (until this class of useless kooks ate dead but their families carry the same dread).

Certainly, hiding in the dark w ones nefarious deeds, creating uneven playing fields, sucking all property up and people have to put the noses further into work to pay the bills- thus, these elitist kooks rob everything they have. (Mind you, I did not nor will I say "elite". That would mean they strive for something better for all of us-not so w this group).

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For completeness:

October 2022

"Then there’ll eventually be a wholesale install of another establishment figure - Sir Keir Starmer - who, we will be told, is “competent” in comparison to the shit that was smeared in your face."


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I’m reminded of the old adage… ‘if voting actually changed anything it would be illegal’… or some such variation. I just learned a new word today… ‘Kayfabe’. That seems just as apt.

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Here's another new word I stumbled on some time ago that fits perfectly - kakistocracy; rule by the least qualified.

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I’ve come to the terrifying realisation that the people who come knocking on our doors every few years for votes are merely front men/empty suits. That we live in a world that is somewhere between The Truman Show and a WWF Royal Rumble. In fact I would argue the people/entities in charge are very skilled, competent & Machiavellian (as in there are layers to the scheming). The Kakistocracy is the curtain like in the Wizard of Oz.

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Would that more people understood this basic fact. That's why those who know what's going on call them (s)elections. ALL are vetted by TPTB for compliance.

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Thank you for this. It's what I've been thinking. There was no case.. I was informed by a friend who is a supporter of Biden, which I cannot fathom how people can continue to lie to themselves about this person, a career political hack, responsible for so much wrong. I was relieved to hear that he will finally be freed from prison. My friend actually thiought this meant I might actually vote for Biden or whoever the puppet is they find to replace him. Remember Giordano Bruno? He stood fast against the wrong think and very corrupt Catholic Church. He refused to recant and was burned alive at the stake. That happened over 500 years ago and he is still rightly remembered, but his death didn't change a thing.. I think the human race needs to evolve. I keep hoping. Last night I (re)watched Idiocracy with my daughter which I'm sor4ry to say, is still relevant. I'm afraid it's a toss-up which will come true for us - evolution or idiocracy.

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Julian’s imprisonment being due to the incompetent legal system, media and journalists,

I think Julian and his fans and family would agree it's a win.😁

After all those years being tortured whilst presidents and lawyers and journalists let it slide….

Not even charged with anything officially, (media trial) no proof any of the published works caused injury, not like what all the publishers are getting away with now….moderna, Pfizer,BBC, NYT, CNN etc.

Showed the MIC for what it was, mercenary, infiltrated and reckless.

It's a win on the humanitarian side, family and prayer,

a never to be forgotten failure for all Australian politics, international legal institutions and the worldwide consortium of journalists.

Should we have let him rot?


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I am so glad this man is finally free. Yes, we do need to prosecute those who kept him there as a lesson to all of us. A rogue group of hacks in our government

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The Clinton emails have just disappeared from the Wikileaks site. This can only mean one thing. That Assange and Wikileaks also agreed to the taking down the leaked, most likely from Seth Rich, Clinton emails as apart of the plea agreement. It also means that Hillary Clinton is vying to replace Biden before the Democratic convention this summer. Julian Assange Is A Fucking Idiot!They made Assange into a rock star while the CIA and the FBI took down the real global open publishing threat, to the empire's propaganda, Indymedia dot org. https://lloydhart.substack.com/p/julian-assange-is-a-fucking-idiot

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The DNC emails have been offline from Wikileaks.org for some time.

Hillary Clinton emails are still online along with all theother stuff WL published (CIA etc).

Also, DNC emails, Wikileaks insurance policy crypto files and multiple mirrors of Wikileaks content are still up on bit torrent.

How do you factor all of the above into your assertions?

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An official news agency reported that the Clinton emails were taken down in yesterday's reporting. That gave plenty of time to put them back up and cover their tracks but haven't verified if the emails are back up but they were taken down.

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This is total garbage.

You obviously don't have the basic skill to check the falsity of the claim that you made: "the Clinton emails have just disappeared from the WL site".

There are TWO falsities to your claim:

1. The Clinton emails have always been accessible on the WL site.

2. The DNC emails are separate from the Clinton emails. They have been unavailable from WL.ORG for some time.

You can't even make a correct and accurate opening claim, and you cannot even check whether what your claiming is true. You have incorrectly repeated a promulgated false claim without even checking for yourself if it's true, even though zero skill or knowledge is required to check.

You've seriously embarrassed yourself and the opinion piece you've hung of your own false claim is utterly discredited.

Jog on.

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For readers of this substack, Lloyd Hart resorted to telling me to "fuck off" after I challenged him and his false claims in his own substack garbage opinion piece.

Her couldn't deal with a single challenge and resorted to psychotic claims that hinged around falsehoods and multiple fallacies.

In short, he chose to come here and assert fake junk. When rebutted with simple, directly provable truth, he literally shat himself and lied harder.

Sound like a familiar approach?

He claims he was high up in the Democrat Party.

That explains a lot.

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And I will tell you to fuck off again, right now for everyone to see. you are a punk.

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Ha ha ha.

Thanks for proving the above and for confirming (again) your own ineptness.

You even deleted all of the comments from your own awful "article", no doubt to hide your shame.

But I got it all and have a self indulgent basis for another substack to demonstrate how people like you peddle total bullshit that doesn't stand up for a single second.

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You're so inept you can't even tell us who the news source you claim said "Hillary Clinton emails were deleted because of the plea deal" was.

Because that'snot what was claimed by anyone but you.

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Now Stella Assange has stared whatI have stated:

"This is not correct. Julian refused to take a deal which required him to delete any published material. Its terms are public. A few parts of the WikiLeaks website have been buggy since well before Julian’s release and I am told will be fixed soon."


So, you are utterly wrong and completely full of shit.

Go get fucked, you ass clown.

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As with all others who were activist over those two decades, that narrative pretty much matches my own view of those events, plus a few shocking contributions by some of the players, especially Clinton. The day will come when all those responsible for Assange's incaceration and torture, will pay the price.

But the many other victims, both whistleblowers and journalists, also will not be forgotton.

As for Trump's intentions, if I were his election strategy planner, I would reccommend discreet support for Netanyahu and for Israel, which would curtail any possible criticism from the Murdoch media. However, once the election was won, Israel would be abandoned, aid to Ukraine terminated, and all sanctions lifted from Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia.

This would make Trump the most beloved US President in history, the man who brought peace to the world. The quiet execution of the seven media owners would ensure no criticism from Zionists. And before hard questions could be answered, the suddenly freed-up capital could fund covert support for national prosecutions of leaders who betrayed their citizens. Referenda would ensure the drivers of these lawful rebellions are the people themselves, in an act of supreme democracy. Prior to its absolute defunding, the UN could then prosecute Murdoch's canaries in the mine, Schwarb, Tedros, Gates, Clinton, Fauci... well... you know the list. It is long. Global TV broadcasts of the trials and executions would please the peoples of the world and installations of local and national referenda would most definitely end all wars, further driving a need to erect brass statues of Tump the Patron Saint of Peace, which is all he really wants.

Fortunately for the military-industrial-inteligence complex, I will never be Trump's advisor. I have indulged in this little fantasy to demonstrate that elections demand the same tissue of lies that any other form of commercial advising requires. It is childish of people to judge Trump on his current posture. So, do I think he is secretly a goodguy? I have no idea, but I think he will be like any other leader because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absoluely. There are no exceptions.

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