Jul 5Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

What the very hell do we do?

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author


After 4.5 years of democide, during which time almost all the answers were given to everyone and a long standing, published, detailed strategic trajectory was brought to everyone's attention through various means and admitted by the ruling elite, the British public have achieved less than nothing.

They are running an increasing deficit. "Resistance" is useless because it doesn't know how to get traction while simultaneously growing. It can't defeat censorship. It can't pick the right fights: much of what the resistance argues about (increasingly among itself) are simply lagging issues that were never the right target (e.g. masks & social distancing). The resistance still calls the gene therapies "vaccines" and has never mainstreamed the knowledge that they're gene therapies per manufacturer and regulator documentation.

CBDC is in development. All other facets of the military surveillance censorship complex have increased.

The UK is complicit in genocide and admits it's fully zionistic , with zero non Zionist choice.

The NHS strategy is speeding up with help from NHS staff, so idiotic are they.

The wave of so called "right" politics is largely false. This is the establishment controlling all sides.

If Nigel Farage was a real threat, why did he get any airtime on any channel?

Because he is a con job under the control of the establishment to maintain the veneer of a fake democracy and pick up anger votes that are ultimately of no consequence except for being a noise maker that subdues actual citizen action.

Farage et al would have to ACT to prove they are anything. They won't. They would have to oppose Israel and its lobby. They won't, no matter Farage's past noise.

There is no resistance to the UK's hypernormalisation. Almost no one with a serious voice even recognises it as such. Who do you know who understands what hypernormalisation is and the collapse of the UK within the US hegemony?

Covid resistance groups are not political, they're scientific, medical or academic. All of them are politically inconsequential and have built zero political traction. They haven't even actually united and grown into a coherent lobby. They are still caught, after 4.5 years, arguing about graphs, "no virus", no GoF, ignoring bioweapons and that under all of Covid is simply unchecked genetic engineering that is now key to the Big Pharma aspect of totalitarianism.

"Together"? Meaningless. What have they actually done and what was their position in the GE? Back Reform. They've evaded real political grass roots work by just backing a readymade option presented by the establishment.

Farage wants the same thing doing to the NHS as all other parties: privatisation under the guise of "insurance model". This is the worst thing. The whole system could be bravely rebuilt and kept as a national service.

Which resistance groups told you to "do this now" that built something effective? Why has nothing effective appeared in the GE? That's a true measure of efficacy. Only establishment choices that manipulate and warp your view of reality are present in the GE because power is effective, not people.

There are only two choices: Get what you are given, which is a net negative forever as the elite milk you all to death; escape to the global majority who are in the ascendancy on escape velocity away from Western Empire.

All the opportunity is elsewhere.

The British couldn't fight for themselves if they tried. There is no Effective Community.

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Beside incandescent anger and do-or-die resolve, an effective resistance requires organisation and coordination. How is that done? By smart phone and social media and over the internet, of course.

And that is where it will fail. By design.

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There is no way to get organized against the monsters; their technology is light-years ahead of their victims'. Even preparing for what's coming depends on one's limited options.


However, you are right: the globalist plan is doomed to fail by its design:


Still, chances are it's going to be too late:


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Thanks Ray. In due course I'll take a look at those articles you shared links to.

What I meant by "where it will fail" is that the Big Money, their Big Tech and military operations, and their puppet government subordinates all made the cage for us, and the feckless, unsuspecting people walked right in, almost completely without coercion. We have allowed, by deliberate choice or by omission, for the decline and disappearance of all alternatives except for the practices and approaches the Big Money wants us to employ. They want us to behave this way and only in this way because in so doing are we are maximally controlled and contained.

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The "establishment"


the jew?

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Lessons on how jewmocracy works.

Majority has the power.

So, if you hold 49.9% of seats you still lose.

Farage is the necessary release valve.

End of lesson.

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Lessons on how jewmocracy works.

We only allow our own parties to participate.

Patriotic Alternative I was not talking about you.

End of lesson.

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Our problem is ... everyone else. Everyone, or as near as makes no difference. They haven't got a clue, this is normality, it won't matter as it's just the pendulum swinging. ‘Some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.' And that's how this all is allowed to happen, again and again. In the mean time, we chase the money, because that's what we've been programmed to know. And what extraordinarily effective and thorough programming it's been.

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I live in a small village in Kentucky, and everyone around here is armed to the teeth, but that doesn't boil down to any form of cooperation. There is no unifying ideology, and even if there was, people can "cooperate" only as long as they have reserves. Once my next-door-neighbor's four children start to starve, I'm pretty certain he will come over to check if I have any reserves...

Money as is known, is going down the drain, anyway, and it's going to happen in multiple global chess moves, as I described it in August, 2023:


Although most people never use their Free Will, still, everyone has a chance to make their own decisions, as I did:


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I wonder if all those gun owners are starting to suspect that their gun fetish has been allowed expression, maybe to instill a false sense of confidence. As we've seen, all that fancy weaponry the U.S. and NATO military possesses has been revealed as being not all that great in the battlefield, perhaps because it wasn't primarily intended for the battlefield against a peer rival in the first place. On the other hand, all that gee-whizz military tech would be totally crushing against all those gun owners' shooters.

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Our problem is...I. And that goes for you too. And him, her, xem, dem, or de la creme.

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There is no "we" wielding any power. A billion times nothing is still nothing...

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Vote for change lol...

It's called democracy.

As someone said: " You can vote your way into communism, but you have to shoot your way out of it"


Name the jew.



To everyone.

Let's start noticing.

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Jul 5Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Excellent analysis. We’re all prisoners in this one party system that has ruled the masses forever just as in the past medieval era. All this election nonsense is just a kabuki theatre. A small glimmer of hope is that many of the non western aligned global south nations are getting more democratic & working to improve the lives of their citizens unlike us in the western world. On comes the total control of the population in the UK after this election. We’re all doomed to be ruled by the elite class for the foreseeable future unfortunately.

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Actually, societal layers never change throughout history; they always default to the same five, irrespective of how complex or primitive a culture is:


Power becomes centralized before they collapse. This time, there is no new civilization to take over, so it's either total collapse back to the Stone Age (the better option) or mass democide with those who are allowed to survive turned into cyborg slaves.

Actually, I've never been injected, "tested," or even worn a muzzle, and even I am turning into a synthetic being:


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Jul 5Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Thanks Iggy. Could not agree more. Good article. I often listen to you on Kevin's streams. The dialectic works, which is why they constantly use it. Only a very small percentage don't fall for it.

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Nice collection of facts.

Even if honest candidates were allowed at elections, they wouldn't last long. Voting is only a tool to blame the (s)elected officials' actions on the electorate.

Humiliation is indeed a constant entry on the globalist agenda. Those deprived of human dignity are easy to boss around. The perps are also making fun of the victims, seemingly enjoying that the masses are powerless and cannot do a thing. Yet every single act by the globalists' lackeys also serves multiple purposes. For instance, publishing the actual figures of those maimed and killed by the injections is taunting the victims, humiliating them, and can regain some people's trust in the (usually "alt") media.

More examples of a single event serving multiple functions on the path to Agenda 2030:


These are the most prominent ones among the current trends in mass manipulation:


Sometimes "only" the audience's stupidity is tested:


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First it's every western country, including the great America, so as for stupidity, the Brits are certainly not alone.....

Bring down the surveillance infrastructure , is pretty much all we can do, and pray.

Hope this helps


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This is a concise if but anguished appraisal of the utter wretchedness of things.

Or maybe it's just my own anguish and I'm projecting.

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