She’s unelectable, and unelected, just how we are conditioned to like our PM’s.

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swell précis, Prof IS, merci! y'all can say a lot of things about BoJo, but for sure you knew he wasn't an automoton, the likes of which we're seeing now...in 'heads' of state globally...mortifying really

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I don't know Truss, she is not the Prime Minister of the country where I reside and as yet I have not even heard her speak let alone seen her on TV - however, she does not write the shit she speaks to all of you out there, like Biden, she reads from a hidden teleprompter and the appropriate person who writes her speeches for her, does the hard yard and she just ad-lib's as she goes along, otherwise she would not have any time to do her other duties - perhaps she will be like another Thatcher, The Iron Lady and perhaps not, but it takes time for anyone to take on the mantle of Prime Minister, just like any new job, you have to do, so give her time to find her feet and start doing her job the way she best can, after all, she is as human as each of you and she has the same problems you all have, however much more enhanced and under much more pressure than any of you, because of her position which the majority of you elected her into that role, to be - and as with everything, everything takes time and there is really no easy quick fix for anything.

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