Thank you for your compassion and insight into this horror. I have watched sense 1967 when I was 16 the unfolding of this profound tragedy. I am numb and have chosen no side. My heart aches that those in power speak as if human have no other option but war.

If we count the dead and injured and chalk it up to a natural disaster it would express wisdom. While we think we are in control of ourselves few who lead the world are really in control of themselves. So in a sense it is a natural disaster. We have less sense than God gave a turnip. A true natural disaster. And those like yourself who study it are just as helpless as standing in the face of a volcano.

Hopefully one day we will put our energies to developing understanding and equanimity instead of ways to kill. Should that day happen we will have turned the corner to a new era.

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Yet again, I am saddened that you seem to think that Vladimir Putin is a wise leader who had no choice but to try to rid Ukraine (which does not really exist, it was just a silly mistake of Lenin or Stalin who otherwise were such wonderful people) of those horrible Jews. You wrote "As the end of empire nears, those loops and cycles run tighter and tighter. Yes, the end of the Russian empire nears, and it was high time. New empires are expanding, the Chinese empire in particular. India and Japan and Turkey are also enjoying the weakness of their historical enemy. Crushing democracy in Ukraine was important (even though it was a badly flawed democracy) precisely because Ukraine has been a bread-basket and a vacation destination and the Black Sea harbour since Russia's empire project began, not that very many centuries ago. Reminds me of the relation between Ireland and England. One cannot allow Eastern Slavs to see that Eastern Slavs can hold elections which leads to power changing hands, without fixing the vote. I wonder Ignaz, are you also such a great fan of the leader of Belarus? Really: I urge you to read more widely; read history books which present a different point of view on the history of Ukraine. Your penetrating analysis of the Palestinian question is discredited by your apparent love of psychopathic autocrats.

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Another big post, much admired but with the caveat that I never followed each link e.g., fuck watching CNN. I'm too tired to keep pointing out the obvious propaganda. I could imagine a cartoon wherein Von der Leyen is part of the Red Cow Cult - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/red-cow-god-war-middle-east-al-aqsa

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Where did you go? I miss reading your thoughts and analysis.

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