Jun 30Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Here in Canada, you can not work within any medical establishment without being up-to-date with all vaccines, including convid and all its boosters (including clerical/admin, and kiosk). This is June 30, 2024 and I kid-you-not.

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Abject lunacy. But it's all coming undone.

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Jul 1Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

..."They all took the King’s medicine and huge amounts of them took the King’s shilling. Some of them were paid enormous sums."...nothing like selling your soul to the devil and making a few bucks in the bargain. This is why you can never trust any government or medical agency/system for both are populated with spineless and cowardly anti-humans.

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Jul 1Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Brilliant Iggy! I personally know clinicians in the states that did “not” comply and fortunately are still working within this corrupt system in order to pick-up the pieces wherever they may fall. Conversely, 3+ years later they are considered the “black sheep” among their colleagues. When one is privileged to connect with such a “freedom fighter”, they must recognize them for the gems that they are.

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"If they didn’t know what they were doing, then they arguably didn’t exercise informed consent themselves. Think about how utterly ludicrous that sounds.

If they dosed anyone else, they have a major liability problem as well because the patient couldn’t have exercised informed consent to a greater degree than the dosed medics. Based on government-provided information, no one could have properly exercised informed consent."

Just restacked with this note: Outstanding must-read analysis on the betrayal by the medical “profession” — and the bind that medics are in.

This is one of the most important posts on "Covid". Thank you!

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PS. Another substacker who is laser-focused of raising awareness of the failure of doctors/ vaccinators to obtain Voluntary Informed Consent.


"Just following orders" and "we had to take it too"... nope!

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Jul 2Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Yes. Sir, I present to you the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia: UN Iraq weapons inspector and bioterrorism expert, Dr. Andrew Robertson, presided over mass vaccine injuries during ‘covid zero' then issued mandates. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/dr-andrew-robertson-presided-over

He is still in his position as CHO.

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Jul 2Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz


The Vaccinated Are The Product.

The Dead Are Just Defects.


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Jul 2Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Excellent article. Thank you for all you do Iggy. I very much enjoy listening to you on Kevin McCairn’s streams.

I recently went to a new doc for insurance (as they want you to have a doc). She asked me if I had taken the covid flu shot, and told me I should take both a seasonal flu and shingles shot. I said never to all. She then shared her experience, during the planned-demic, of seeing a family member cut off from a dying elderly patient. Her next comment to me about any flu shot was, “well your damned if do and damned if you don’t”. Needless to say I do not trust her and will not be keeping this doc very long. She’s way way behind in her thinking.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Spot on!

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Most of them will have an NDE in the coming 2026 - 2028 wave. Ah well.

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The medical community have made themselves a bed of nails to lay on thanks to their lack of integrity and not speaking up the truth as the harms stacked up maiming and killing.

The public view them now on a par with corrupt politicians and any future mandates they face will be done with no outcry of public support on their right to choose.

Why? Simply because they did not do their due diligence making sure every patient had full correct information to be able to give informed consent.

They’ve never given voices to the injured or dead and allowed treatment of those who wished to keep control of bodily autonomy as enemies of the state.

They are despised because they happily collaborated and not just for financial gain, they also flipped ostracising anyone who spoke up or disagreed with their Borg mentality.

Just following orders has never cut it in the past present or future, they exposed their lack of morals and intolerant arrogant behaviour, they’re done.

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