Richard Attenborough has previously predicted that the Australian Coral Reef would die from Global Warming - it has not happened, the Coral Reef refuses to comply with Attenborough and in fact is more enthusiastic in expanding and being more luxurious than ever before and Attenborough has said that Global Warming would cause the ice caps to melt, the seas to reverse and the Earth go into a global winter, a solid ball of ice - which has not happened either, the icecaps have even more ice than previously, this year and he and Bill Gates have said we humans and the animals on this planet cause all of the Methane Gas which is warming the planet, which is why the depopulation now, but in fact non of us are responsible for that - the Methane is released from the ground and from the seas and from volcanoes and indirectly, I suppose from Industry and pollution which made the Globalists wealthy, in the first place, using us weeds, vermin, landfill or human garbage to create their wealth for them - soon forgotten.

So when "we' have all been exterminated, it won't make a blind bit of difference for the Globalists, because our world will continue to heat up, with or without us, as that is the natural process our world automatically goes though over millions of years, bearing in mind that the polar caps were once lush, warm and green and where the Dinosaurs used to live, amongst areas which now, do not support human life, because they are too cold, or arid and dry


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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Thomas Sowell observation: the word "crisis" is simply a synonym for "situation" at this point.

If I was into conspiracy theories, I’d highly suspect the “usual suspects” (psychopathic bankers) were behind the climate agenda.


If people don’t pay attention, they’ll have the children eating bugs during school lunches and teaching them how to reduce their household’s CO2 emissions by occasionally covering their parents faces with a pillow while they sleep. Indoctrinating the youth through public education has a history of success. Too recent to forget or deny - Pol Pot and Hitler’s Youth.

New Jersey, another poorly run blue state. New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy spoke of their public school students being the first in the country required to learn about climate change.


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This is such an important post! Most people are terrible brain washed on the entire Climate issue due to poor science and even worse media and government jumping on something that sounds terrifying just to grab attention, power, or dollars.

Many good scientists with integrity question the whole Manmade Climate Change Story than virtually anyone realizes!

The points you brought up are important, as are the ones mentioned by "El Gato Malo" in his Substack on the matter.

Ditto James DeMeo, PhD. Climate Science does NOT know what it's doing yet, from all I can see, and breaking down all civilization for a few people's fears, stoked by the profiteers and the mad dictator types, is INSANE.

Study Stanley Meyer's Water Car. If we wanted an answer to fossil fuels we had one.

But destroyed it, and the inventor, instead. Strange place, planet Earth. I wonder who runs it?

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interesting read. Let me add data point to this. We collect rain water for laundry. Location east coast of AUS, on islands. We have currently in winter and have several months of tradewinds blowing from south east, ie from pacific. There is 10,000 km of sea. However water we collect is absolutely dirty, looks like ash particles, black in colour, very visible in 40 L of water bucket. This was repeated several times and always the same. Logical conclusion is that if we collect that water in relatively unpoluted part of the world, air in the rest of the world, especailly in north hemisphere is worse. Would not that black stuff increase temperature on earth? Likely these induced fires thruout he globe provide ash in atmosphere and add aditiional heat. Pumping up heat to prove GW agenda is legit ?

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