Strangely, this topic must be in the air, because I have also wrote about it today:


Placing a link to this article into mine! :)

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To all those who blame Bourla and big pharma:

Did bulla bulla Bourla physically force people, Chinese style, to be injected?

Did he force:

- people to continue to stay in lines whilst the injured were carried out in front of their eyes?

- those who pimped for him?

- those injured to deny their injuries and blame others?

- "experts" to lie, and deny the injuries and deaths?

- parents to take their young to be injected?

- pregnant women to inject themselves?

- people to virtue-signal about their faccinations?

- Nadal, Feder to pimp for it?

- Nadal to oppose Novak's stance?

- people to support the "no jab, no job" laws?

Did he threaten to sue those who spoke out about their injuries?

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Consider where multi-national corporations sit in the G3P structure and how they exert influence. If you are implying that it was government that did these things and therefore is "more to blame", you need to resolve what the G3P structure tells you about what government is, compared to corporations.

Governments come below corporations in the pecking order. Government enacts laws that serve corporations. Governments' decisions are influenced top down, not bottom up.

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I understand and have done some reading into that matter. That is a different strain of the overall picture.

Ultimately, however, we collectively were/are responsible for our experiences.

Did those corporations become huge of themselves if they did not have revenue? There are numerous examples. Take big tech. Who made big tech into what they are? There are viable alternatives, yet people won't migrate. Are there laws coercing people into remaining with them?

How come there are no big corporations in the Congo or Nepal?

Who rushed to buy into big tech and big pharma? Were they forced to? How come CNN- has disappeared?

Were people forced into carting votes for the Dems?

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