Sep 9Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

> Without this triumvirate one cannot effect change on a sustained basis, which is essential to wield power over a significant period.

REPLY: a few questions first;

1. how long is a "significant period"?

2. does the Earth's natural rhythms succumb to man's legal system. Example does winter become summer? Perhaps in the belly of a nuclear furnace it becomes hell.

> Therefore one must question what power the construct has if it cannot self determine and control others.

REPLY: If we humans cannot create the living cell let alone an organism. All power that we seem to wield is an illusion. Thus the question "how long is a "significant period"?"

> Of course, the world of Kings, Queens and conventional dictatorial totalitarianism has faded and in their place is all manner of committees by various names whose objective is still to wield power.

REPLY: To me at least these phantoms merely attempt to disguise the hand of corporations/Oligarchs that wield power so the pelbs don't run amuck and tear down the fraud.

> When a system's side effects or unintended consequences reveal that its behavior is poorly understood, then the POSIWID perspective can balance political understandings of system behavior with a more straightforwardly


> Therefore, when they seek to fix the system's flaws they simply cannot; they have no view of reality, they misdefine the problem, and no “fix” they implement will result in effective changes to how power is wielded.

REPLY: certainly true regarding the c-19 fiasco. Depending on your point of view it was a money maker, or health and liberty destroyer. Something for everyone. So I skipped the nonsense.

> Of course, we live in neither.

REPLY: True. And binaries fail to capture reality, unless for you reality is like a black and white photo.

> There are factions, interests, competitions and alliances. The power of lobby is proof of this.

REPLY: I notice you talk as if mankind was an eternal phenomena. WE are not. In the history of the Earth we just got here. We haven't been here long enough to really sort out our value or not. So much of what you say about human manifest power is lost on me.

> You need a spectrum of tolerance and collaborative means by which to maximise the tribe and the individual, resolve conflict and integrate everything with acceptable, knowing and well understood compromises.”

REPLY: Being a pelb I am not sure what you mean. I can say those who followed such ideas came to the Americas slaughtered and pillaged the natives and exterminated many tribes.

The title "Timing is everything" would suggest in this case the timing of the pre colonial natives of America was vaporous as it met the Christian and Jewish colonialist.

> knowing less

REPLY: Knowing with our ego is can only be less. Linked to a point of view the world is so attenuated.

> “What would you say to this idea?” I interjected. “If something were capable of performing and understanding all logic known to man at the present time, that thing may in some way be living?”

REPLY: key word "Understanding"

> That evolutionary pathway would exist more in our information state, phase or substrate, than in the physical, biological one.

REPLY: Do you really think this is true. Then just because you think something is, it must be. However just because I think I can fly (without mechanical means, because that is physical, perhaps biological one) means I can however in the process of jumping off a cliff to fly lose my biological form thus proving the knowing and being is an information state, phase or substrate, not physical as I no longer exist physically. The body I formerly cohabited in is a bloody pulp on the rocks.

> “If…” she said to the window pane, “matter, energy and information are the three essential phases, states or substrates of the universe

REPLY: Matter/mother the grim reaper has returned.


Sadly your post is deep and quite extensive, my time whether linear or emergent, non-linear, or manipulable by sub-entities, is now at an end. I have learned from you. Thank you for the amazing work you do.

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Sep 9Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Ontological contradiction:

A thing cannot both be and not be at the same time.

Therefore time iself falls outside ontological contradiction.

So if time may possibly both be and not be then what is time in itself? What is time qualitatively? Let any concept be a relations between existent. Now time in itself is its relation to itself. But its only quality is its very being. And the only change possible is the alternation of being.

Therefore time is the alternation of its own existence, necessarily contradictory.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

The irony is, perhaps, that the concept of linear time is already logically inconsistent, that reality as it once was has changed its meaning and is now not true even as the past; a new past replaced the old past that is not even conceptually traceable, cannot be reconstructed or conceived of again, and yet it made a mark on the structure of the world that now exists.

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Sep 9Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Loving the Escape Committee series

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Sep 9Liked by Ignasz Semmelweisz

Good day Ignasz,

Thank you. I am really out of my depths with this stack. But spoke from reading the works of other most notably for me The Embodied Mind by Varela, Thompson, Roach.

Logic can be a cul de sac. Also there are many examples through out history where discoveries and insights are gained by intuition and only later does the logic appear that leads to logical reason for the insight.

Srinivasa Ramanujan is an example a a gifted mathematician who made astounding discoveries without seeming logical basis. Hardy stress logic. Ramanujan did make some errors that logic would have caught. Still no one with deep logical ability made the astounding discoveries Ramanujan made.

Likewise Polynesian Navigators sailed the Pacific from New Zealand, North to Hawaii, Northwest to Vancouver Islands (their DNA has been found there) South to Rapa Nui (Easter Island). A vast expanse of Ocean with only songs and paying attention to the Stars currents of the Ocean and Weather. All the guidance contained in a song.

Much wisdom has been gained by raw experience (ie blunders).

Thanks for all you do. I don't comment much as I am out of my depths generally. But I learn from you and it is much appreciated

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