The Baseline: The pilot's and aviation's trap
The aviation medical system traps pilots and hides causality. It will continue to do so.
I have compiled a suite of Baseline tests that anyone can use to help document and establish health changes as a result of Covid-19 gene therapies:
The Baseline: Medical tests to identify vaccine-induced injury
Baselining for Covid-19 gene therapy adverse effects in aviation is Common Sense
Prior to Covid-19, it was illegal for aviation medical certificate holders to take experimental medical treatments or take part in clinical trials without express permission from the individual’s regulating authority.
Now, the aviation industry has actively allowed, encouraged and even coerced or mandated the use of experimental Covid-19 gene therapies despite the fact that knowledge of their effects and true efficacy was and still is unknown to airlines, unions and regulators.
Despite this lack of knowledge, large numbers - likely the majority - of aviation employees have taken at least one dose of Covid-19 gene therapies. Most of them have done this with practically no knowledge of what the effects of taking them would be. This is proven by the simple fact that, over time, our knowledge of negative effects and far less-than-advertised efficacy is now a matter of medical and scientific record.
It is basic common sense to treat new medical interventions with caution and circumspection. In aviation, no one has yet died in flight or induced a significant flight safety issue as a result of being knowingly or unknowingly infected with Covid-19. If someone was detectably sick, they would not report for work. If they became detectably sick during a flight, the symptoms of Covid-19 are not instantly debilitating.
It is also basic common sense to apply sensible process to the use of new medical interventions. It would have been eminently sensible for individuals to have established baselines of their health before taking any new or experimental medical treatments and then monitor themselves over time to drive our wider understanding of safety. This has simply not been done in the aviation environment. This is at total odds with the requirements of the aviation medical system.
Mass screening of pilots against the Baseline below would pit vaccinated pilots against unvaccinated ones and the comparison of the two cohorts would likely shed even more light on the effects and benefits of Covid-19 gene therapies. It may actually show safety and efficacy of these products. However, someone, somewhere has or will do a risk benefit assessment of this and may prefer keep the result in a locked drawer or simply burn it.
Why pilots can’t or won’t easily undertake Baselining
If an otherwise healthy pilot subjects themselves to investigatory medical testing, any results that point to a potential abnormality or possible health problem would need to be declared by the individual to their Aeromedical Examiner. This could lead to temporary or permanent suspension of their medical certificate and flying or operating licence, and therefore the cessation of their work.
If a seemingly healthy pilot is symptomatically unaware of any health issue and no issues are detected in the course of the pilot’s mandated medical examination, then they are healthy enough to fly until such time as an issue symptomatically presents itself. Further, there is a valid medical stance that testing of asymptomatic patients is morally, ethically and functionally dubious or debateable. This point is a key underpin of opposition to asymptomatic Covid-19 mass testing using flawed PCR and rapid antigen testing: if you’re not sick, why test?
However, Baselining pilots in advance of a Covid-19 gene therapy dose is not the same thing as mass asymptomatic Covid-19 infection testing.
The point of a pilot Baseline is to establish the pre-dose health state of an individual in order to then, deliberately, subsequently monitor and detect changes in that health state brought about by Covid-19 gene therapies. This is a specific objective that aims to establish causality and potential liability, especially in the face of “vaccine” mandate policies or other means of force or coercion.
Therefore, it is in the pilot’s interest to establish a Baseline for themselves. However, in doing so they run the risk of detecting an otherwise unknown abnormality that then may need to be addressed somehow. Absent a Baseline and any detectable symptoms, that pilot may be able to function and live a perfectly normal life while carrying a latent and unknown “abnormality”. The Baseline itself could bring information and knowledge that has the power to impact the pilot’s life or career somehow, before the variable of a Covid-19 gene therapy is introduced.
This is potentially worse for anyone who has already had at least one gene therapy dose. If the gene therapy has induced some negative changes that may be asymptomatic or that the pilot is tolerating in secret, the Baseline may expose it.
In simple terms, here’s why pilots are basically stuck and unwilling to Baseline, despite it making sense:
If you are presently considered healthy enough to hold a medical certificate and fly, taking any extra tests to further examine oneself is to risk exposure that would be unnecessary otherwise;
Finding any problem as a result of any tests technically needs to be declared to the regulator for investigation;
a Baseline potentially removes the ability of a pilot to carry and hide a known latent health problem while still flying.
Only the ECG/EKG test in the Baseline (below) is conducted routinely in the course of a standard aeromedical certification examination. None of the other tests are.
Therefore, pilots are inherently afraid of medically probing themselves in case doing so results in a temporary or permanent loss of medical, subject to medical assessment and opinion.
Why look below the surface?
Potential ramifications of investigatory testing of vaccinated pilots
McCullough, Cole et al have requested the FAA conduct mandatory health testing of vaccinated pilots to identify potential vaccine damage amongst them (se FAA letter below). Over 50% of pilots in the UK, US, Canada and EU have been vaccinated. If significant numbers of them are found to have medical issues that suspend their medical certification there is a major labour supply problem for the industry that has been brought about by the industry’s own incompetence and willingness to ignore its own medical certification standards. That is a massive liability game that moves into the realms of criminality as well as opening up a doorway to huge levels of civil liability. Even individual pilots could be considered criminally negligent under certain circumstances.
Even pilots who are unvaccinated still run the risk of finding medical issues as a result of Baselining that they would otherwise simply not want to know about. This is a key cause of reticence and fear in that population. Add in a Covid-19 jab or several and that fear increases.
Therefore, the culture of “don’t ask, don’t look, don’t tell” applies across the entire aviation sector. Even the regulator is engaged in this because, ultimately, it was the national regulators that allowed pilots to take Covid-19 gene therapies without performing any of their own due diligence into the effects of the gene therapies, despite the fact that it is the regulator who is solely responsible for their own national medical standards for aviation employees.
The incentive to hide causality
Under the present circumstances of Omertá wherein causal links of health problems to Covid-19 gene therapies are being ignored and denied, the aviation industry is maintaining a position of plausible deniability and therefore holding off its own potential criminal and civil liability.
Should a pilot such as Captain Bob Snow have a heart attack that was induced by a Covid-19 gene therapy, the industry can deny that it was anything to do with his mandated jab because he did not have a Baseline prior to his heart attack. Captain Snow would need sufficient medical evidence based only on post-heart attack investigation combined with his prior health assessments that could sufficiently convince others that his heart attack was caused by his Covid-19 gene therapy. Without a pre-dose Baseline, there is a greater possibility that causality could be questioned or denied by his airline, regulator and union.
Should it be shown that significant numbers of pilots have increased their health risks as a result of Covid-19 gene therapies, the liability picture for the whole industry shifts instantly.
The Baseline: Suite of Tests (08/05/22)
Complete Blood Count
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
C-Reactive Protein
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
CD4 & CD8 count
Rouleaux formation
post-vaccination ECG analysis (also known as EKG, which checks the electrical signals that determine cardiac health)
Cardiac MRI and PULS Test (to determine heart health)