Please spend ten minutes listening to these statements from Assange's Counsel, issued following the completion of his plea deal.
Compare these statements with any other you come across. You will be better able to assess any opposition and detect falsehoods or omissions.
For further valuable analysis, please watch Glenn Greenwald's System Update, which provides supporting detail about what Assange did or didn't do.
Many voices continue to push the total lies that he put American personnel at risk, released personnel names and/or failed to consult the State Department prior to publication.
People who make such claims and fail to reflect the legal realities presented by Assange's legal team are either ignorant, idiots, liars or shills.
Humanity continues its slide into the abyss partly because citizens are feckless, inept and either unwilling or incapable of standing up to power and its inherent corruption.
This failure is not going to change and so our trajectory remains unchanged. We are living through the most damning indictment of human nature since the 19th Century.
Here are just some examples of statist propagandist scum that should not be forgotten, although there are thousands.
Absolute fucking war criminal scum.
Geezus ... does Shannon Oska even believe the bullshit she writes or does a bottle of wine remedy that?
Thanks. What do you make of this Spectator article by Mary Dejevsky?